The following are profiles of the Admirals we use in our fleets. Having different Admiral characters can expand the scope of Man O' War, by giving the players a roleplay function as well. It certainly can be interesting if you have an extremely aggressive, die-hard Admiral in command of a small fleet against hopeless odds, with the enemy commanded by a coward!
Chaos Dwarf Admiral: Arkragg Mingol the Damned
Arkragg Mingol the Damned's Warfleet (Chaos Dwarf Fleet)
Bretonnian Admiral: Caldel Richelieu
Admiral Richelieu rose to prominance in the Bretonnian Navy from his successes against Pirates raiding the merchant shipping lanes. He is a courageous and bold leader, who is prepared to take risks to get the job done.
Tactics: Uses Galleons in formation with Corsairs to surround an enemy and maximise firepower.
Bonus: +1 to Initiative roll against any fleet containing Pirates
Caldel Richelieu's Warfleet (Bretonnian Fleet)
High Elf Admiral: Eldril Silvermoon
Eldril Silvermoon's Interceptor Battle Group (High Elf Fleet)
Orc Warboss: Gernut Slygit
Gernut Slygit's Pile of Ships (Orc/Pirate Fleet)
Chaos Lord: Champion of Khorne - Kahn Iceblood
Kahn Iceblood - Reaper of Soul's Fleet (Khorne Fleet)
Imperial Admiral: Karl Roschmann
Karl Roschmann's Imperial Armada (Empire Fleet)
Norse Warlord: Olaf Cedricsson
Olaf Cedricsson/Kreml Grimfjord's Mercenaries (Norse Raiders)
Norse Warlord: Kreml Grimfjord
Olaf Cedricsson/Kreml Grimfjord's Mercenaries (Norse Raiders)
Chaos Lord: Champion of Slaanesh - Saardis Vaarn
Saardis Vaarn's Fleet of Perversion (Slaanesh Fleet)
Dark Elf Admiral: Sindryn Blackrush
Sindryn Blackrush's Tide of Darkness (Dark Elf Fleet)
Dwarf Admiral: Mungen Cragfist
Mungen Cragfist's Dwarf Armada (Dwarf Fleet)
Man O' War Additions and Adaptations